We have a new clerk who doesn't like the idea of supporting documents. She has only published the latest bank details but no invoices for her expenses, salary or overtime, no information about reports for the last meeting or the next one which will be held on Thursday, and has only put an agenda on the website and nothing at all about the next meeting or the minutes of the last meeting on any of village noticeboards (three) even though the last clerk did all the above. Her job description, hours of working, place of work, agreed travel and other allowances, etc were all decided upon in a closed meeting (no press or public invited, not advertised on noticeboards and hidden on webiste) and the only minutes for all the agenda items decided upon at that meeting were published as a blanket CONFIDENTIAL,so a complete lack of transparency pervades the council. If I as a resident ask for details I am accused of being vexacious - but I only want to khow how and where and when my tax is being spent by my parish council. Surely ths is a very basic requirement on behalf of the clerk and the council?