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Hi All
We are a small PC, we are going through the process of purchasing our allotments can we use precept money for the purchase even though only a small number of villagers use the allotments. My view is that the allotment holders should fund raise or make voluntary contributions to fund it.

Am I correct in thinking that the precept is for the whole Parish not a small section.

Many Thanks

ago by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The power to purchase land for allotments is contained in Section 124 of the Local Government Act 1972. This would apply to existing allotments as well as new provision. There is nothing preventing you from asking the allotment holders to contribute (or indeed, the wider public), however they are under no obligation to do so.
ago by (58.2k points)
thanks for the reply, in your opinion is it ok to ask for PC money to pay for it even though its only a small number of villagers will benefit.
One of the few duties of a parish council is to provide allotments (where it is possible to do so) if requested by, from memory, six electors so yes its OK.   My own council doesn't run allotments but those that do tell me that they can be a bit of a nightmare to manage!  The fact that only a few benefit at any one time is irrelevant as properly managed, any elector could benefit if/when an allotment becomes vacant and someone else can take it on.
Oh yes, I intend to devote a whole chapter of my warts and all memoirs to the challenges of managing allotments!

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