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0 votes
Our local Parish Council has made a complaint against my wife but have done it through the chair of the village hall as she is vice chair.  It accuses her of trying to turn the village against them.
by (150 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
If your village hall has a committee (assumed since you reference chair and vice chair, also assumed that it has a form of annual meeting to validate committee and positions within the committee) does it have a 'complaints policy?'

If it does, follow it.
If it doesn't, maybe a committee (or part thereof) assessment of the grounds and substance of the complaint followed by a response to the PC.
From the very brief description it is also assumed that your wife may have been interpreted (by the PC) as being 'critical' of the PC.  
There is absolutely nothing inherently wrong in an individual expressing a personal opinion about a PC - whether that be positive or negative - maybe the PC think they are akin to the PDRK or the Chinese Communist Party and are above critical comment.
Is there a PC resolution / minute to support a formal correspondence from the PC to the chair of the village hall?  If not then it is not representative of the PC.

Either way, there is the option to respond or simply ignore...
by (26.7k points)
+2 votes

Your wife must be a formidable woman if she has the power to turn a village. My response, in the words of the late great Windsor Davies as Battery Sergeant Major Williams, would be "Oh dear, how sad, never mind!" Just ignore them and they'll find someone else to pick on.

by (59.7k points)
My wife can't stop laughing at this answer - it's lightened her mood tremendously - Thank You!
+1 vote
Like all branches of our "democracy" pc's are there to serve the people (or should be)

You can please some of the people all of the time , and all of the people some of the time but not please all of the people all of the time. I know some of our politicians would like there to be  punishable thought crimes but short of existing lible and slander laws there is no office door with Complaints department hung on it and remember seeking redress under law is only open to those with money to burn or for whom money has no meaning( because it is someone elses)
by (29.3k points)
edited by

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