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Stroke Association run a class in our Village Hall. They have asked for Grant money from our Parish Council.  Is it within our power to give to to this?
by (200 points)

4 Answers

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You might consider this:

Power to provide and equip buildings for use of clubs having athletic, social or educational objectives 

Local Government Act 1972 (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s.19


Power to acquire and provide buildings for public meetings and assemblies

Local Government Act 1972, s.133

by (26.7k points)
0 votes
Section 137 of the Local Government Act provides a framework for local councils to make payments to not-for-profit groups providing services to their residents. Many parish councils operate grant aid schemes using these powers. A Google search for "parish council grants" will provide many examples of such schemes.
by (59.7k points)
0 votes
Depending upon what they want the grant for, you could consider offering a period of free hire of the hall as an alternative to a cash grant?
by (23.1k points)
0 votes
Short answer is yes.  When on the Town Council we as a committee often awarded grants to local community groups including charities.  This was often cash grants and also grants that covered the use of facilities including the town hall.

Some things you should consider though are.

1. Is this a local charity/community group
2. What processes are in place to ensure that the grant you award is only spent on people within the parish

3. Does the charity/community group have a safe guarding policy

4. What other fund raising has the group done, what is the state of their finances.

There are many more things you would need to consider.  You could ask neighrbouring PC's or Town Councils for their processes which you can adapt for your PC use.  This is something we have done in the past.
by (670 points)
Thank you for all your replies, I am guessing we should look into how many village residents this benefits.  I do not have a personal problem with giving money to a good cause but I do note that National Charities just mail shot all councils for money, if nobody from the village benefits and the only connection is that they hire our hall  then it could become  contentious.  Obviously it would be a full decision but it is nice to have other views.

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