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0 votes
Our PC website has just announced that they will be closing down from 19 December until 7 Jan.   I have no idea whether  this has been formally agreed but surely there must be some days within this period which are regarded as working days .

Does the SLCC issue any Christmas arrangements advising what days off over Christmas  should be taken as annual  leave .  I suspect that it is just accepted as  a freebie
by (5.3k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
Our clerk prepares a report with proposed Christmas closure and reopening dates which we vote on at our December meeting. This year our closure dates are the same as yours, which I think sound reasonable and are mainly as a function of Christmas being on a Wednesday and thus a bit awkward this year.
by (390 points)
0 votes
Why would you assume it is additional paid leave and not being deducted from the staff's annual leave allowance?
by (650 points)
When  I was  a Councillor I attended one staffing Committee meeting in which it was made clear that the clerks leave was not being authorised  or a leave card maintained.  When I challenged this the Chair stated  that the clerk was to be  trusted to maintain her own leave records and that my challenge inferred that I did not trust her.  That and other issues led me to believe the clerk was not being properly managed so I resigned.  I merely point out that if the PC wishes to close down over Christmas that's fine but that  normally involves some Annual leave being taken . My experience has been that this can easily be overlooked !!
+2 votes
Our office closes on the 19th too and will reopen on the 2nd with only me in attendance.  The remaining staff will be returning the following Tuesday.  I have informed the council that this is the intention and as the staff are taking annual leave, I cannot see why the council should be getting involved.  I don't ask them to approve the arrangement as I am the line manager for my staff.

Major assumption on your part that it is a freebie - council staff are entitled to their holidays and are probably using their holiday entitlement, as would anyone.
by (25.4k points)
0 votes
Like many smaller councils we have just two part time members of staff who take annual leave over the Christmas period.  The Clerk tells us rather than asks our permission and puts a notice on the website and on emails to say that the office is closed but gives a mobile number for emergencies and states that emails may be monitored but not necessarily be responded to until after the closure.  Our shut down period is from 20th December to January 2nd.

Both staff members keep a timesheet at our request which can be reviewed by the staffing committee periodically but we have never found that our staff are abusing any flexibility.
by (22.3k points)

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