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My PC has a Fulltime clerk/RFO who manages the Full Council meeting and one other Committee (bi monthly meetings).  They also employ a PT clerk who manages two other Committee meetings.  The latter clerk resigned and for 6 months no replacement was appointed.  During this period the two committee meetings were simply lapsed.  There were no discussions as to how the situation was to be managed ie there appeared to be a shrugging of shoulders and little concern re the service to be provided. A  suggestion that the relevant chairmen could devise their own agendas  went unanswered.

What obligations if any does a Council have in such  circumstances ??
by (5.3k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I would argue no obligation.. Its eminently sensible to reduce council activity to reflect actual capacity. Often reverting to statutory obligations and not much else (pausing major new projects.. no longer providing discretionary services such as an event etc). I mean by all means legitimate question why havent they replaced the member of staff but in current climate hard to attract people into sector on part time hours with renumeration packages that vary considerably across sector.
by (10.1k points)
0 votes
Were there any adverse consequences to the lack of meetings of the two committees? If not, as long as the Council continued to perform its statutory functions, these committees may not be needed.
by (58.4k points)
Thats interesting DTC.    What are a PC statutory functions ? Never had to think about that.     As for me I always see things through the customers eyes and I would have expected an all hands to the pump response  ie doing two meetings in one night etc .   The problem is we have complete public apathy and everyone just  accepts it

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