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We employed a clerk about 20 months ago. Since joining us she has taken on two other councils.  They are paying for some of her CILCA training hours so are we bound by our original agreement to pay her training hours. Firstly we were advised she needed 7 hours and CILCA recommend 4 per week.  She is getting three elsewhere and now 7 with us.  Should she have declared these other jobs before we did our budget?  A member of the public has questioned our enormous training budget.
by (180 points)

1 Answer

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If you have used the model contract of employment there is a requirement for the Clerk, if they do not currently hold a relevant qualification, to work towards obtaining one. The latest model provides the option for the Council to specify the qualification required and the date by which it should be obtained, as well as clarifying who should pay the associated costs. This level of detail wasn't included in the previous model, but the commitment to obtain a qualification was. In simple terms, you should do whatever the contract commits you to doing.

Having said that, you should seek to come to an agreement with your Clerk and the other two Councils regarding the apportionment of costs. The cost of the CiLCA is more than just course fees, as you should be paying for study time, travel and accommodation costs if necessary etc.
by (58.5k points)
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