Each year our Town Council includes in its budget the cost of a full election in case we have a by-election or a scheduled full (multi-ward) election. Like many parish councils contested full or by-elections have become less frequent (unfortunately but that's another issue entirely).
Rather than holding the cost of a full election in our annual budget, I'm proposing that we establish an earmarked reserve for Elections, with the budget contributing 25% of the cost of a full election each year. At the end of the cycle, should a full election be held adequate funds are available. If there is a contested by-election the costs of that would be replaced the following year in the EMR either through the budget or a transfer from reserves.
I've done some research and it appears this is exactly the approach that other parish councils do (Middlewich, Knutsford and Frodsham Town Councils for example).
The net benefit is to free up a significant sum each year which can be used for other projects.
But are there any downsides to this that I haven't thought of ?