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0 votes
Hi My council has changed who the meeting votes taken, we have For/ Against and Abstentions, now if someone abstains on a vote the chair translates that to "Did not vote" aginst a councillors name on the minutes, is this allowed to happen, it did not come before full council, I believe it looks bad for anyone reading the minutes at a later date, regards Mick Glynn.
by (140 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
There is no need for the translation.  Having abstained from voting means the same as did not vote.
by (11.9k points)
This is correct.  While many council chairs will go through the motions of asking for votes for, against and abstentions, it really is not needed.  A councillor raising their hand to abstain is not voting.  The definition of abstaining is 'formally declining to vote for or against a proposal or motion.'
0 votes

Your standing orders state "Unless standing orders provide otherwise, voting on a question shall be by a show of hands. At the request of a councillor, the voting on any question shall be recorded so as to show whether each councillor present and voting gave his vote for or against that question. Such a request shall be made before moving on to the next item of business on the agenda."

So strictly, according to your standing orders, they should only record the for's and against's. If you abstain it should not be recorded at all.

by (7.3k points)
I agree that this is how it should be recorded if the model standing orders are adopted but I personally have an issue with abstentions and I don't think many people understand what they mean.  An abstention is not a vote against something (as some seem to think) it is a cop out.  Annoyingly if, for example, there are three votes for, two against and 14 abstentions, the vote is carried.  Why be at the meeting at all if you're not prepared to do your job and vote?  Sorry, rant over!

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