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Our clerk/RFO left in August. Can they claim the backdated increase now out from April 2024 until leaving date.
by (120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
The advice for councils is that yes they can.
by (23.3k points)
0 votes

As stated by Delboy'swife, yes they can request backdated pay from April 1st till leaving date.

Advice note is here on NALC website. (You need to log in )

Local government services pay agreement 2024/25

by (190 points)
+1 vote
Is there an obligation upon your council to adhere to the pay agreement?

Is there already a resolution or a contractual requirement so to do?

If there is then you could be liable but if there isn't you may just as well not be.

It is for the council to decide and resolve pay rates for employees which should then be ratified in employment contract.
If employment contract is NOT aligned or comparable to local government pay scheme then there would be no obligation.
by (26.9k points)

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