Questions about town and parish councils
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We are looking for advice on the upcoming elections, we have a number of villagers who want become involved. The current PC are not wanting to relinquish their seats but they have done  their time and we are ready a new team.
by (240 points)

2 Answers

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For town and parish councils, full council elections are held every four years but which year the elections are held in can vary across the country so it rather depends on where you are located.  I'd suggest contacting your local elections office in your principal authority as they will be managing any election process locally and can advise on the procedures to be followed to stand for election.  Advice generally is also available on the .gov website.
by (23.2k points)
0 votes
Some confusion? The up and coming national election (7th November) is to elect to positions in the county councils not Parish Councils.
At the time of PC elections ( every 4 years) ALL parish councillors automatically lose their positions and must stand for election if they want to be on the council.
by (29.4k points)

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