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by (120 points)

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LGA 1972 Section 111
by (11.9k points)
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S111 is a subsidiary power.      I would suggest LGA 1972 S142 is more than appropriate
I don't fall out with that.  I could make a case for either.
My understanding is that s111 has to be used in association with a primary power  ie not on its own . In fact it uses for PCs should be limited
You are perfectly correct in your understanding.

My reasoning was was as follows:

1. A parish council has a primary duty to hold an annual meeting + 3 other meetings in each municipal year (LGA 1972 Schedule 12, Para 8)
2. A parish council has an equal primary duty to advertise those meetings at a conspicuous place in the parish (LGA 1972, Schedule 12, Para 10)
3. In everyday language that means notice has to be posted.
4. To post a notice it is reasonable to argue that you need a noticeboard hence I have suggested using the subsidiary Section 111.

Having said all that, I do not fall out with your suggested use of S142,

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