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Hi there.

Can a town council ban me from all thier

Premises because I won't give them a non existent legal reps details?

The ico have confirmed with them that I do not nor never have had a legal rep.

I've never received a court order or non molestation order .

Thank you. Xx
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Another one where I think we need a bit more context.  I would argue that anyone or any organisation can ban anyone from their premises if they feel it appropriate.  Are you talking about attending meetings or simply turning up at the office (assuming they have one)?  We ask all visitors to make an appointment to come to the office as part of our lone working policy.  The clerk can then ask a councillor to attend if they think it necessary.
by (22.5k points)
And why are the ICO confirming that you have no legal representative. The ICO of all people should not be holding such information about you.
Hi sorry.
Myself and now deceased plot partner were the victims of bullying by some plot holders. The council told us to put it all in writing. We even had our plot poisoned, i was videod for months locking up at night. Suffered verbal abuse and more. I was a councillor myself at the time.
The chair of the council became mates with those doing this to us.

After 18 months my complaints had not been dealt with and  the chair of the council turned on us.  I felt intimidated so resigned. Within 4 weeks lies had been made up about us and we were evicted.
I put in a SAR to try and find out how this had happened but I got a hand delivered letter stating I could not attend any town council premises for any reason. I never received my full SAR and still havent. the ICO asked me if they could write to them stating i had no legal rep.

I have proved we have never broken rules yet the chair has told so many lies about me no other councillor except 1 will listen to me.

He had even made a statement backing me up when these plot holders physically pushed him. And he was followed after an argument with plot holders.  Yet he has told everyone I did it. i have the audio recording that i was given permission to do due to safeguarding me doing thier work for them.
I've never claimed to have a legal rep but they say I cannot attend for any reason unless I give my legal reps details.
My plot partner passed away march and they are still slandering his name now. he was severely ill  at the time and in hospital when they evicted us.

I am confused as to why they are banning you from the buildings unless you have legal representation. This seems like it would be a breach of the Human Rights Act as you should not be discriminated against for not having legal representation.

Have you made a complaint to the Monitoring Officer about the chairman lying and the intimidation? You should so do if you have not already.

Are the ICO helping you in getting your SAR? This should be their job, not telling councils whether you have a legal representative or not.
thank you for your reply.
i dont have any legal rep nor have i ever, ive only ever taken advice from citizens advice.
I have contacted the monitoring officer, ive had a meeting with her and the CEO of the borough council who can see no reason why  i have been banned  or even evicted from my allotment yet she will not investigate the chair as i do not have written evidence but i have witnesses and she has heard the audio recording that i have.

The ICO have been back and forth with them about my SAR but say they can do no more and have only held them to account for the time it has taken the council to reply to them.

It is getting beyond a joke now as ever door i open seems to lead nowhere. i cannot afford a legal rep and the town council know this.

All councillors have been banned by the clerk from interacting with me. xx
The clerk cannot ban councillors from interacting with you if they wish to do so.
she has told them they are not to respond to me. i bumped into one of the councillors and he said its not that we dont want to respond, weve been told we cant xx

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