Questions about town and parish councils
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+2 votes
My understanding is that mayors are simply ordinary councillors who happen to have a title, who chair meetings, and who have a casting vote.

Is that accurate, or does being mayor somehow carry extra privileges or the ability to act unilaterally 'as mayor' in deciding to do or not to do something, or given an automatic ability write to people on behalf of the council etc?
by (390 points)
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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Your understanding is pretty accurate.

"Mayor" or "chair" of a council is a titular function with very little more than the responsibility to chair a meeting and with a casting vote in the event of a tie.  

They are also the spokesperson and may relay the resolved position of the council to the press / public and represent the council at public events.  

They don't have unilateral authority for anything although it seems many think they do. 

The office attracts an allowance to off set potential expenses of conducting the public functions (if so resolved by the council) which may be spent by the Mayor / chair without further authorisation or audit by the council. 

by (25.3k points)
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Thank you. Do you know of any particular piece of legislation that states town council mayors may not act in such a manner without resolution of the council? Would SOs have the power to vary this or could the mayor do this is the town council has a general power of competency?
Replied via private message.
+1 vote
They are exactly the same as a chairman (but they get to stick a fancy chain round their necks and call themselves mayor)
by (7.2k points)

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