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0 votes
To approve the recommendations of the working party appointed to review executive summary as provided by the VHT and considered by full council
If the council does not approve it seems like an end to the motion and it can not be decided what to do next any thoughts on this
by (2.2k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
Please provide a little more information Andrew.
by (58.4k points)
The village hall trust what to put an extension on to the hall that the pc own
A plan has been passed now the VHT want to change the plan so a working party was set up by the pc to make comments and recommendations
The clerk has sent out the agenda the motion is as above it seems a dead end motion if it is not approved then a new motion will need to be made next month to decide what to do as the motion for next week does not say to make amendments etc
0 votes
As stated much more information is required for any meaningful help to be forthcoming.

Assume VHT is village hall trust. If so are they possessors of a lease granted by the PC. Do the terms of the agreement specify a requirement for their proposals to be passed by council etc.etc.etc

All have bearing on the decision making process. If the council has final say then if they reject the proposal from the VHT then that's it they will have to re-submit to council at their cost or submit to whatever conditions council request or require.
by (29.0k points)
+1 vote
I'm reading this as a question about the wording of the agenda item and process to be followed if the majority of councillors do not agree with the recommendations of the working party which was set up to review the plans for the extension.  If I've understood the question correctly, whilst the motion refers to approving the recommendations, there is still an option to table an amendment (see your standing orders for the process to follow).  So, for example, you could table an amendment for approving the recommendations "subject to the following amendments ...........".   Or, you could resolve to defer a decision and refer the working party back for further discussions.
Clearly the devil here is in the detail of what the working party has been asked to do and why.
by (22.3k points)
Thank you Delboys wife that what I was asking
0 votes
Any Cllr can propose an amendment to a motion
by (26.1k points)

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