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0 votes
What is the process to get an inquiry/investigation when the Clerk does not come forth with the correct information on how far a project has progressed ?
The clerk/RFO  is in charge of but also does not tell the truth in the public meeting and it gets recorded on the minutes?

Can an ordinary parish/Town/City Councillor as the Mayor or the Staffing chair to officially investigate/inquire so that Councillors and Residents get the correct timeline of the project?
by (120 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
If you have evidence to support your concerns, share it with individual councillors. The clerk is an employee, so councillors are responsible for the conduct of the clerk and should have policies and procedures in place to address such matters.
by (56.1k points)
+2 votes
You could try and submit a Freedom of Information request to reveal the documents that actually tell the truth. Should the clerk try to conceal information from you after such a request they would be committing a criminal offence.
by (6.3k points)
0 votes
Minutes are a record of what happened in a meeting.  If the clerk gave incorrect information that would need to be in the minutes albeit that it should be corrected (if appropriate) at the next meeting.  I think therefore your issue is less to do with the minutes and more to do with the accuracy of the information being provided at the meeting.
by (21.3k points)
+1 vote
If the clerk is making statements that are subsequently proven to be untrue and you have evidence to support this AND to support the fact that the clerk knew the statements to be untrue and/or misleading when they made them, then councillors should be informed and an investigation should be instigated asap. The investigation could be undertaken as part of the disciplinary process depending on what policies you have in place. Hope that helps.
by (340 points)

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