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+1 vote
We are in the process of recruiting a member of staff we delegated authority to three councillors to engage with SALC to prepare the job pack, advert etc. before starting the recruitment process.

As part of this they increased the pay range to that of the current staff and placed the advert before bringing this to full council.  When they did they asked for it to be ratified?

Have they overstepped the delegated authority? Should these changes have been agreed before the advert was placed?
by (170 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
With respect, you need to answer your own question by establishing what authority was delegated to this committee by the council.  This would (or should) be documented in either a direct council minute or as a constituent part of a scheme of delegation.
by (11.9k points)
With respect, I started the authority given was to prepare the advert, job pack etc. In advance of the process starting. No mention of changing pay scales from the current etc.
Why are you unhappy that this new member of staff will be paid on the same scale as existing members of staff?
0 votes
Did the documented delegation specify that the delegated authority was to prepare information for approval by the Council before the commencement of the recruitment process? If not, you're probably cast adrift on the sea of ambiguity and misunderstanding.
by (58.4k points)
Nope, just to get the pack reviewed etc. By SALC before the recruitment process commenced.
The meeting asked for ratification of changes already made and advertised

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