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This is regarding a Community Council in Wales.

Whilst searching for a decision made by a Community Council Committee, I noticed that there were no minutes for the relevant meeting, even though the agenda was posted. I then noticed that the minutes of many Committee meetings (referred to in Full Council minutes) are missing.

I queried this with the Community Council and they replied that the Committees are Sub-committees and therefore they report to Full Council, no minutes needed. I find this odd, as on the Council website it clearly states that there are 4 Committees. There is no mention of any Sub-Committees. Also there are plenty of Committee minutes posted.
So why post some Committee Minutes and not others, even though an Agenda is posted.
According to statutory guidance for community and town councils in Wales:

"The Community Council must also publish electronically the minutes of its meetings and, so far as reasonably practicable, documents referred to in the minutes."

I would appreciate any advice on the above please.
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
A sub-committee is a committee of a committee. Only a committee may establish a sub-committee. If the Council establishes a committee it is a committee and they cannot describe it as a sub-committee in order to avoid public scrutiny. Yours is not the only Council to play this game. Your standing orders should include the following references "...a committee may appoint a sub-committee..." and "...the Council may appoint standing committees or other committees..." but there should be no reference to the Council appointing a sub-committee (although it does have the power to dissolve one.)
by (55.2k points)
Thank you Dave. Their standing orders include what you mentioned.

I will ask them some more questions.
0 votes
It is a fact that many PC's dispense with committees in favour of "working parties" or task and finish groups. This effectively throws the meetings and findings of these groups into the realm of secrecy as they do not require to say when they are meeting( or include the public) or produce agendas or minutes. Totally against all principles of governance of open and transparency required of councils.

Many excuses are given including. not enough councillors, too much work for the clerk, etc etc. but there are no excuses for hiding anything from the public whom the PC ( councillors) are there to serve. Is it any wonder that there is so much apathy amongst communities and lack of engagement by the public? Break the circle -- "total honesty and transparency". Show government how it is done not mirror their corrupt ways.
by (28.2k points)
Thank you Mentorman.

I've asked them for a list of their Committees and Sub-Committees. I was told she'll send me a list of their Sub-Committees :-). The funny games they play.

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