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+1 vote
This article popped up in my news feed last week.

The borough council have sent the bill (£23k) for the investigation to the parish council. Is this normal practice? Are monitoring officers not funded to carry out investigations? Seems odd to me.
by (490 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
I was going to post similar. I understand that they have subsequently backed down. It would have been incredibly dangerous precedent indeed (effectively bankrupting councils for an errant councillor who they have no power to actually do anything about). This tier could never set that much money asside (in some cased entire precept). Its bad enough election costs are charged (particularly when routine requests for elections every time someone clears off as that can rack up massively as well)
by (9.8k points)
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0 votes
Based upon a “Reach PLC” press article (including examples of either very poor investigation, understanding and reporting - par for the course for Reach PLC - and (if accurate) reports of a parish council placing a Cllr “on notice” what ever that means?) and reference to (but no link) to a MO report on a Cllr who the vast majority have never met nor do they know of the circumstances- Cllr asking awkward questions upsets clerk! - anybody that would make a judgement (or refer to the subject as “errant”) without any more than a trash tabloid report is more likely to be a part of the problem rather than the solution.
Reach PLC and reference to a quango MO report in response to a Cllr ASKING QUESTIONS!

How about some SUPPORT for a Cllr being diligent?
by (24.1k points)

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