I agree, the public should only comment on agenda items. Its a council meeting to discuss them and they need to take into account what is said by the MOP. If the public want to raise issues with the council outwith the agenda items, then they write to the clerk, or go to events where councillors are there to be spoken to (or held to account) or collar one in the street?. After a long and bruising process this was established in the council. The ability of the public to speak is now 'in' council, not outwith it, and the pubic can make representations, provide evidence and ANSWER QUESTIONS, etc. This at any time in the meeting the chair deems is appropriate, but typically in the 15 minutes. But when the point is discussed, the chair can call on those members of the public who are there to speak (be they specialist from the County Council, or villagers with specific knowledge of the issue). Shame that is still a struggle.