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If your town or parish council is the custodian of sports pitches - let's say football pitches for argument sake - how do you arrive at your rental fee for any given football club using the facilities.
Do you do an annual charge or a charge by each occasion of use?  Or some other methodology?  If you have a football club associated with your parish do you give them preferential or priority use and / or a reduced rental rate for regular user?

If we assume that use of pitches includes use of a pavilion with changing facilities, toilets, kitchen etc that would be a ½ decent baseline - but any figures with explanatory notes appreciated.

Does your council have responsibility for pitch maintenance - grass cutting - and is this included in the rental calculation?

Any examples of the 'process' to arrive at a rental fee and the outcome of the process (the charges) would be gratefully received.
For example does the council either intentionally or inadvertently 'subsidise' the use of recreation facilities where cost to maintain and facilitate the provision is greater than rental revenue.
If so, does your council recognise this cost over income as a subsidy and does it have a subsidy policy and record the subsidy in the annual accounts?
Does your council just pluck a rental figure out of the air (or simply add an annual % rise in line with inflation?)

Has your council taken account of recent hikes in utility bills and reflected this in amended rental rates?

Any feedback appreciated....
by (26.9k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
In our patch the Community Centre and Recreation Ground with various facilities is run by an independent charity under a lease arrangement .  However since the year dot the relationship between the PC and the charity has been full of angst  (level of grant) and this  literally brought down the last Council .    The Charity is of course in theory financially independent  and I guess set its Football Club rentals on a par with our District Council charges .  Having said that with showers, grass cutting  etc etc  it always made a loss
by (5.5k points)

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