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0 votes
Hi all
Hope everyone is well
I have had my …… email address for about 8week now it was provided by Nalc though you clerk and chairman who give them out to all councillors a long with individual passwords some councillors our still having difficulties with their email address.

I happen to be talking to other councillor today who said that the chairman and I guess the clerk has a list of all the addresses and passwords this means that they have full access to everybody’s email accounts this can’t be right doesn’t this infringe on data protection privacy laws?

So it it possible to change my password on my ……parish email account so I’m the only one that had access to it?

Kind regards
by (530 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
You absolutely should change your password if it is provided to you - it should have been the very first job you did on receipt.  What an individual password gives you is security that somebody else cannot login and sent emails under your account
Don’t think that resetting the password prevents your emails being monitored, accessed and read though  it is usually a condition of provision and use that email traffic ‘may’ be monitored
It sounds like you need some pretty elementary training or discussions about email policy - does your council have an IT or communications policy? If yes, that’s your starting point
by (26.3k points)
0 votes
There is no standard way to change an EMAIL Password. Even though you have a address ithe facility could be provided through Microsoft 365, Gmail, Yahoo etc. The procedure varies depending on which system is being used so we need more detail from you. Start off by telling us if you access through the internet or if you use a Microsoft app.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes

Thanks for answering, i have an ASUS laptop with Microsoft Windows 11 I initially loaded on the email address and password using webmail which then automatically changed it’s self to new outlook saying webmail is being moved to new outlook
The web server doesn’t use pop3 it uses some other system as i was told by the Nalc IT man pop3 is out dated now
by (530 points)
0 votes
If using web based outlook, click circle top right with your initials in it . In the account pop up that opens tap My Microsoft Account text. Then in the next screen that opens, scroll down to security and cick the arrow to expand. Underneath Protect your account you should see a gearwheel icon with "Change my Password"
by (35.8k points)

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