That was pretty close to the exact question I asked just before I exposed the complete inadequacy of the system which had been in place for years - except I already knew the answer….
They were appointed because they had been used year on year to ensure no ‘uncomfortable’ truths were revealed from a cohort of long standing Cllrs where those that knew it was wrong would try anything to maintain the status quo and those that were ignorant remained ignorant.
Also, the IA was endorsed by the ALC as being “professional” and a clerk to several local councils and even more as IA.
Took me exactly 1 exposure to this long standing nonsense to expose it for what it really was.
Once exposed it was fixed. That clerk shortly thereafter resigned from their own PC and, I presume, stopped doing IAs (but I’ll check that as local councils start to publish their IA reports.
Most disappointing was an adjacent council clerk (and the county officer for the ALC) STILL went out of their way to defend this person even after their work was completely discredited. But I guess that would be why an influential member of IAF remarked upon the county ALC exec officer as “needing to be watched!”