Our PC recently resolved (meeting 1) not to spend a material unbudgeted sum (approx half of our general reserves and 10% of precept). The following week, after more information had been received, Council reversed this decision and resolved to spend the full amount (meeting 2).
This spend was on the published agenda for meeting 1. However it was not on the published agenda for meeting 2. We have a standing item on the agenda for variations of business - usually this is only used for immaterial adjustments to existing agenda items but this time it was used to add this proposed spend as a completely new agenda item.
I queried that this was contrary to the 6 month rule in standing orders (which could have been suspended but weren't) and also contrary to the statutory requirement that business must be on the published agenda. However, the Clerk was happy to go ahead. Mine was the only vote against spending the money.
Am I right in thinking that this spending decision was illegal? Is there any consequence for illegal decisions or can councils pretty much do as they like?