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The Council is Corporate Trustee of a Charity. Who Chairs the meetings of the Charity. Is it the Chair of the Council or can another Councillor be appointed Chair?
by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
It would depend on the charity terms of incorporation which can be accessed via the charity commission. Charity at our village hall states ( as with PC0 That the chair is elected by the trustees at the AGM. Your PC chair is only an elected position for the PC. It could be that the charity terms define that the PC chair is automatically the PC well
by (29.0k points)
And if the terms are silent on election of chair?
0 votes
If the council is sole managing trustee of the charity, then it is the council as a whole that is the trustee, not individual councillors, so a meeting of the charity is a meeting of the council acting as trustee for the charity.  In these circumstances it is usual for the council chair to be chairing the meetings.
People get very confused about the role of the trustee of a charity.  It is often the case that the council is a custodian trustee rather than sole managing trustee and in such circumstances, the council has no role in the running of the charity.  It's only function is to hold the deeds on behalf of the charity.
by (22.3k points)
edited by
Yes, I understand this. The Council is the trustee, not individual Councillors. But if the deed is silent on who chairs meetings, does that then mean it should be the Chair of the Council by default?

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