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A public meeting with developers and the external examiner of our parish NP review is due to be held, but at which neither the public or most councillors can speak.  The county council have extensive criticisms, but some of our council members are attempting to bulldoze the plan through. A number of the public and councillors are not happy about the lack of transparency in dealing with developers and the public. The corporate body narrowly voted to return a response, despite councillors voting against because they felt the town and council had been misled. It was decided by some members prior to the meeting that the councillor involved in third party meetings, which generally do not get referred back to council would represent the council at the hearing, and was narrowly voted for.
As a member of that corporate body am I bound by its decision? I am unable to find any information associated  with any decision by full council is considered confidential that I have become privy, therefore I don't think I am constrained. I cannot find anything in our standing orders or code of conduct that helps. I would like to be able to write to the external examiner via the county council to express concerns on behalf of the public that much more work is need before a referendum.
by (160 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
No Cllr is bound to agree with any decision made by a council.
You are perfectly at liberty - I would say honour bound - to vote, speak, campaign according to your own conscience regardless of a decision of the council.
You are a member of the council but it is a naive, deluded and incorrect agenda which is often espoused which seeks to constrain individual Cllrs from expressing personal opinion which differs from that of the council.
A majority decision determines the direction of travel for the corporate body but it does NOT bind individuals to compliance, silence or passive acceptance
The logic is indisputable….  For a Cllr to be bound to a council decision then Labour must be bound to a Tory decision
The decision is actionable, but nobody is bound to agree with it
Why is a developer involved in an LPA / external examiner / local council NDP consultation?

That’s like giving Jimmy Saville his own keys to Broadmore…. Ah, wait a minute ):0)
by (26.9k points)
0 votes
"A public meeting ... where neither the public or majority of councillors can speak".  How has this course of action been determined?
by (12.0k points)
I can't begin to say how our council has been railroaded by a small group who set themselves up as directors of a private company, with sub organisations,  that meets in private with external organisations who should be dealing with the council as the qualifying body.  They are led by one individual  who has a propensity to take over as a director of any small local group or area charity to stop others and acts with impunity.  For over 25 years has 'bullied' staff for no good reason.  The standards board and monitoring officers have been involved, and the only sanction has been a 3 month suspension to that one councillor. The council were forced to pay approx £20k in damages and legal costs to one staff member. This group continues to dictate who meets with who, who represents the council.  The problem is half the council are involved , the chair and clerk who should remain neutral clearly aren't.  Good people have given up on the council because they get nowhere.  We have tried and tried again, but get thwarted at every turn.  We have reported to the Monitoring Officer, but the hoops to get anywhere seem impossible.  I wouldn't wish our council on anybody.
0 votes
This is far far from ideal, but once it reaches the referendum stage you could campaign aganist the NP telling people what you have said here.

If it failed it would put significant pressure on the council and the "corporate body" you mentioned to try again with correct processes!

I'm sorry I don't have a better idea.
by (620 points)

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