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0 votes
Do you record councillors as "present" and parishioners as "in attendance"? Or do you record everyone as "present" or everyone as "in attendance".  It's a small point but has excercised some people locally. Thanks
by (260 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The Annual Parish Meeting is not a parish or town council meeting, it is a meeting of the electorate/residents.  People who are councillors are not there as councillors, they are there as residents so should not be recorded as anything other than in the same way as other attendees are recorded.  I'd recommend simply recording X members of the public in attendance or something similar.
by (22.3k points)
Thank you Delboy's wife    -   So would everybody present be recorded as "IN attendance" except the Town Clerk and the Mayor who would be recorded as "Present".
0 votes
All are equal as “present” except 1 who is both present and presiding.
by (26.2k points)
All correct and I would also add that the only person there by right is the chair of the PC . If as is normal the clek also is taking notes for preparing minutes then first order of business should be a vote from those present to accept the person taking the minutes ( who could be the clerk or someone from the floor). Technically the chair could also be changed by a proposal from the floor.

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