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+1 vote
by (210 points)

5 Answers

0 votes
Best refer to standing Orders for guidance.
by (3.0k points)
0 votes
As stated check out the standing orders and code of conduct. If a councillor is refused an item for inclusion by clerk or chair( could be due to lack of time) then there should be the ability for a councillor to obtain the support of x no of councillors to force its inclusion.
by (29.4k points)
0 votes
Yes, of course in the short term, but in the long term no, if it is of merit?
by (620 points)
+1 vote
The clerk cannot refuse to include an item on the agenda if it is legal.  If the item was presented too late, or had too little background information for the other councillors to understand "the business to be transacted" by this agenda item, the clerk is able to refuse to add it to the agenda but then should include it on the next one.  It it is an agenda item that is outside the scope of the council, is illegal etc, then the clerk is in a position to refuse if it would bring the council into disrepute or law breaking.
by (25.6k points)
0 votes
According to NALC, here are inly limited grounds for refusal. But the NALC models standing orders give a lot of power to the clerk in this regard. And it seems a power that is more and more abused to control and limit council business. IMO, the model SOs are not ideal in this regard.
by (1.9k points)
Yes they can especially if you’ve got weak governance I had one refused because the Clerk was “not prepared to consider using Council money on it “!
In my case the Clerk had a chair who was totally under their thumb
If it’s legal and proper get the support of another Councillor and call an EGM to discuss the motion
Assuming you have the standard Standing Orders the Clerk should publish a list of motions refused and the reasons

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