Thank you, i actually don't know what there current Standing orders are or any policies as i'm not an actual councillor, and where the documents normally are, have not been available to the public since september. So in a lot of things i'm running blind trying to sort out issues that come to my attention whilst not having access, i have requested to see some documents such as the co-option policy only to be refused, they haven't even given me the compaints policy.
Some of the WI(who are not councillors) have been receiving expenses..i presume they are on the events committee but it hasn't been specificed in the agenda, as a majority of the councillors are WI members i just wonder if they should have it on their decleration of interest form. There are other expenses that don't add up, such as dog bags, i've seen non councillors already putting these up who are nothing to do with the council, yet the Clerk is currently claiming for them. I know the dog bags aren't to do with the council as i seen one of my colleagues installing them. I've still not been shown the financial records from last year where the clerk claimed money was missing.
On top of this i've been banned from asking questions in the usual places other than on here, i can't even access my account on the What do they know site..