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A councillor,  not a member of the staffing committee has requested to the chair of the council, that he wishes to attend  a staffing meeting in which he want to raise a concern, and not at this stage wishing to make it a complaint, in relation to an incident with a staff member.  Is this ok or not?
by (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This will kick off a perennial debate….  (or perhaps not );0)

A staffing committee may pass a resolution to exclude the press and public IF the very specific circumstances which allow that to happen are satisfied (staffing committees are NOT blanket closed session just because they are staffing committee.)

Even if a motion is passed to exclude the press and the public, a Cllr whether a committee member or not, is neither press nor public so cannot be compelled to leave the room.
Others may hold a different view and they are welcome to present their justification if they so wish.
As to whether a Cllr may speak at a committee of which they are not a member - entirely at the chair’s discretion - anybody can be invited to address a certain point. For what it’s worth, I’d suggest it would be entirely appropriate if in so doing it is a genuine attempt to resolve a matter at the lowest practicable level.
by (26.9k points)
edited by

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