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WE have just found out we have a small piece of land that is registered as a Village green in 1984 this is all duly recorded with the Essex County Council. However there is no sight of it on Land registry. Do i need to get it on to land registry asap ? (land grab in process).
by (3.0k points)

1 Answer

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The Land registry have been empowered under the 2015 infrastructure Act to maintain and provide a list of Local Land Charges, but common land and village greens are not a Local Land Charge. There is therefore no legal  reason why Land Registry would be automatically informed about them as they should already hold the details of legal adjacent boundaries. As far as a land grab is concerned, if somebody is trying to extend their property boundary by moving a fence and subsuming some of it, that would amount to illegal encroachment, and the local authority planning enforcement should be informed to stop it That wouldn't be for Essex County Council but the local district or Borough council. Land registry would hold title deeds that define the legal boundary and only would need to be informed if the boundary was legally modified. The local planning authority should also have the boundary details.
by (35.8k points)

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