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0 votes
Our Council has always adopted the policy that staff appointments are made by the personnel committee,the decision being ratified by full council.Following an interview involving a panel of councillors the clerk announced and progressed two appointments claiming he had delegated authority to do so, Is this valid or are appointments always a power reserved for Full Council.
by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
If your clerk has delegated authority (and they may well have) then ask him/her for a copy of the council minute where the delegation was agreed.
by (12.0k points)
0 votes
If you have, as you state, a “policy” and someone / anyone unilaterally deviates from that “policy” they would need to justify or explain why they have deviated from the “policy.”

Do you actually have a “policy” or is it your understanding / interpretation of custom and practice?
by (26.9k points)

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