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0 votes
My local parish council agreed for one of the councillors (owner of a chain of garden centres) to supply a Christmas tree and lights (despite still having the lights purchased last year) for the village green. The councillor did not declare a pecuniary interest and did not leave the room when the decision was made.

I have no problem with a councillor supplying goods, as long as proper procedure is followed, and value for money is received. Whilst the council have told me that the tree was supplied at cost price, the price paid £249 does not seem like a good price to me and does not seem like a cost price.

The neighbouring village paid £150 for a tree on commercial terms (no mates rates). We even have a Christmas tree grower in the village, but no quote was sought.

So how much was the tree that your parish council purchased?
by (7.3k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Unless you state size and species of the tree and the specification of the lights it’s impossible to assess if it is market rate /VfM
by (26.1k points)
We paid about £150.00 for a12ft tree and we got three quotes
They are not being very forthcoming with details. Still trying to establish the full spec of what was purchasing, which i'm sure they will draw out as long as possible. Just looking for general prices currently.
+1 vote
The PC's overriding guidance must be value for money. Surely this must have been a meeting agenda item conceivably possible cost was discussed and at the very least authorisation to get quotes given to clerk or working party to investigate and report back.

I would suggest that as an annual plan you fork out more for a live tree suitably sited as a one off cost so the question doesn't arise again just the decorations each year. That way you do a bit for greening up the parish.
by (29.0k points)
0 votes
Ours is free and donated by the nearby Bowood Estate.  The transport to the town was also provided free, by a local transport company.

It is looking increasingly likely that we will have to purchase a tree and transport in years to come as suitable trees on the estate are becoming fewer and whilst planting programs have been in place, it will be some years before the trees are mature enough.

We are considering sponsership for that eventuality, maybe your council should consider the same in future.
by (590 points)

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