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Minutes of APM - Our clerk is undergoing his CILCa training and has been advised APM minutes can be approved at anytime during the year at one of our Parish Council meetings.  I have checked on some websites and it other parish meetings and it would appear they are approved annually at the following APM.   (annual meeting of the parish).  The draft minutes are published on our website soon after the  Can anyone clarify please ?
by (1.5k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes

The annual parish meeting is NOT a Parish Council meeting even though it is required to be organised, financed, advertised and sometimes chaired by the PC chair and the clerk of the PC can take the minutes. Normal requirements of posting and agreeing minutes are not governed by PC policy or requirements which means that they can be published at any time.

by (28.9k points)
Thanks - Question answered.    They were approved at our meeting last Tuesday.  So I am assuming they actually do not have to be approved ? just published ?
As stated the Annual Parish Meeting is nothing to do with the Parish Council except for their legal obligation to arrangement ( as is ANY parish meeting called by the electorate). Therefore the PC does not have the power to approve the minutes of the meeting only a vote at the next parish meeting is empowered to do that. Seems this is another creeping empowerment  by misinformation by you know who
+1 vote
It might be worth clarifying with your clerk - are they talking about Annual Parish Meeting or Annual Parish Council Meeting?
The 2 are very different.
by (25.3k points)
This is definitely the Annual Parish Meeting. The AGM for the Parish Council is at a different time. It took me a couple of years to understand the difference. The Chair of the PC called and signed the agenda. In this village there was a huge village meeting about an issue but no notes were taken because it wasn't a Parish Meeting. I explained to a couple of residents that that is why they could not find a record and told them how they could call an extra one if they ever wanted to. At least the minutes of the Parish Meeting  are a public record.
The clerk did not attach the draft previous minutes to the agenda and has said that there are no background papers. My husband has said the draft minutes are information that should be attached or how can anyone read and vote of them. I think that last year the chair wrote the minutes. Will ask at this years meeting and ask for a vote for someone to take the minutes.

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