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Apologies for the basic questions. I'm a relatively new Parish Councillor and am finding my feet!

I have a few questions relating to Staffing Committee and sub-committees please which i'm trying to get my head around. I can't find the answers elsewhere (I have tried!)

  • We have a Staffing Committee in place, but also require a Sub-committee for items relating to the management of the Clerk. Do we need to call a Staffing Committee meeting to discuss and create this Sub-committee and agree its members?
  • What are the requirements for calling Staffing Committee and Sub-committee meetings? Are they the same as Full Council meetings (3 clear days, excluding Sundays etc.), or can they be called at shorter notice? For example, can we call a Staffing Committee meeting, agree the members of the sub-committee and then meet as a sub-committee immediately afterwards?
  • Can the chair of the committee and sub-committee call these meetings, or does it need to be the Clerk?
  • Does the Clerk have to be present at the Committee and Sub-committee meetings? Or can we run and minute ourselves?
  • Are the Sub-committee meetings public?
  • Who is responsible for publishing the agenda and minutes of the Staffing Committee or Sub-Committee meetings (if required). Is it the Clerk? Or the Chair of the Staffing Committee?
Thanks in advance for your help.
by (150 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
If you have adopted the model standing orders, all matters relating to the establishment and operation of committees and sub-committees are set out therein. Check the section on committees and sub-committees, but also the section on the conduct of the annual meeting, at which such decisions would normally be made.
by (60.1k points)
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Many thanks @DavetheClerk. for taking the time to come back to me.

Our Standing Orders and Terms of Reference for Staffing Committee meetings are clear, but the notice requirements relating to the Staffing Sub-Committee meetings are less so. I will err on the side of caution and use the "3 clear days" approach regardless
It is for the Council, not the parent Committee, to determine whether the public may attend a Sub-Committee meeting and any public notice requirements. In order to facilitate proper decision-making, I suggest that members receive at least three days' notice with full documentation.

Having said this, I'd be tempted to dispense with the Sub-Committee. The terms of reference of the Staffing Committee should delegate full responsibility for routine staffing matters to the Committee and any grievance or disciplinary issues should be handled in accordance with those policies. The annual appraisal of the Clerk is best carried out by two suitably qualified Councillors, who can be appointed by your Staffing Committee. There is a tendency to specify Chair and Vice-Chair or Chair and one other, but if these named individuals are not the most capable, they should not undertake such an important role. The appraisers report to the Staffing Committee and may make recommendations as appropriate.

Committee meetings should be run in the same way as full Council meetings, with the Clerk in attendance, but if the agenda item relates to the Clerk, they should be asked to step out of the meeting, in the same way that a Councillor with a pecuniary interest would. One of the Councillors should then take notes to comprise the minutes for that item and it is helpful for the exact wording of the minutes to be agreed before the Clerk is readmitted. Minutes should be nothing more than a note of decisions taken, so the detail of the discussion remains confidential to the participants.
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As stated clearly by Dave the committee is set up and decided by main council and terms of reference are set by them which can delegate powers for decision making without referring to main council. A committee should have the power to form a sub committee to seek out information on specific matters under the remit of the committee and to supply such information to the committee for decision making. A sub committee is essentially a working party of the committee and has no powers. Committees and sub committees should be as open and transparent as  required of main council
by (29.4k points)
It is my understanding that all  Council meetings are open to the public and as such agendas and minutes must be available to the public.  As such the 3 day rule applies .  Therefore if committee status applies any exclusion of the public from the meeting has to be done in the usual way
There is no automatic right for the public to attend a meeting of a sub-committee. The Council may determine whether or not this is appropriate. Some Councils describe standing committees such as staffing as sub-committees in order to meet behind closed doors. This is not correct. Sub-committees exist to undertake specific tasks on behalf of a committee and do not have any decision-making powers.
Interpretation seems to vary depending where you look . It is clear however that some statutory requirements that apply to committees don't apply to sub committees.  What is needed is a definitive list

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