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by (120 points)

4 Answers

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For either piece of software, you have to ask what the additional benefits are compared to a well designed spreadsheet. Alpha is meant for smaller authorities as opposed to Omega for larger.  Rialtas offers a suite of 7 modules and you need to check if you are also paying for a core platform to run one or more of those modules. I would ask them to provide a free demo and find out how many of its Bells and Whistles you would ever want to use.
by (35.8k points)
0 votes
I haven't used Scribe but have used Rialtas Alpha and found it easy to use.  The reports available are useful, well laid out and easy to understand.  It makes VAT reclaim and production of the AGAR a pleasure rather than a chore and they offer add-ons for things like hall bookings, end of year close down etc. at extra cost.  It's not exactly cheap but far far superior to a simple spread sheet for anything other than the smallest of parishes.  Their customer service is absolutely brilliant too.  During normal working hours a call back is almost immediate and I once emailed over the weekend and had a call back to help sort things out before 9am the next working day.
by (23.2k points)
0 votes
Its a purpose built system designed by former council users FOR council users!

It was / is so good that the originators sold it on.

The "problem" comes from inadequate users not any inadequacy in the system.
by (26.8k points)
0 votes
Have you also considered Advantedge ? Similar to Rialtas - We looked at all the options for one of my Parish Councils within a working group after the demos agreed Advantedge was the better option. They have more than 10 modules but were only using 3 of them (Finance , Allotments and Playgrounds) We are using the equipment inspection (2 inspectors) - very good all on one system.
by (3.0k points)

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