I was chair of our parish council, I and one other employed a new clerk, it didn't work out and at the end of her probationary period it was unanimously decide to end her employment, it was decided to use a firm of solicitors to do this as she then started to make a fuss, the solicitor had a lot of contact with our locum clerk and from that the solicitor asked me for copies of all emails between myself and the clerk, she needed this to do a correct recommendation on the way to proceed, I supplied her with what she asked for, obviously this increased the bill, some councillors have requested that I pay a sum of money which is £2,700 claiming this was the amount for additional work which they say was unauthorised, the council instructed this firm, not myself, then a councillor suggested that if I resign as chair then they would not pursue the money, I think that is blackmail, I did stand down for personal reasons, comments please, incidentally one councillor who was instrumental in this has already asked me to resign five times and has only been on the council since May last year