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Our parish council is a member of WSALC, I have a complaint about the CEO but how can I do it as he is the one I'm complaining about
by (480 points)

3 Answers

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You might want to think about taking it to the tier above your ALC (what is WS? it's not listed at the NALC webpage ie NALC.

That said, the NALC manifesto and the 'How we work', 'Our mission' and 'Governance' tabs under the 'About' tab at the NALC website are conspicuously 'lean' on any detail of how one might raise a concern about the operation of county ALCs.   

The ultimate sanction of course is to simple not renew your council's subscription to the ALC (if this is a majority decision of the council) and perhaps drop a note to the ALC and Cc NALC with a brief explanation of why.

Money talks after all... 

by (26.1k points)
West Sussex Association of Local Councils, it's more awkward than that and if I say why then it will pin point our council but I will say that one councillor has vested interests in WSALC
I had a similar issue with our local county office some years ago and found it extremely difficult to find out what the complaints procedure was.  However, I believe county offices now have to publish who their executive committee members are so that you can raise issues with them directly.
0 votes

Suggest you raise it with the Chairman, who is above him.

You can find the contact details on WSALCs website

by (2.2k points)
0 votes
Your problem is that local associations are set up and run by private individuals who mostly run as sole traders and are not part of NALC. Finding any information or connection with following their own advice they glibly insist that their subscribers follow to the letter is almost impossible to track down, They have attained a pseudo respectability by collecting fees for NALC.
by (29.0k points)
This is not my recollection of how local associations are constituted.
A fair comment which is easily tested of course. Several questions to therefore being answered will shine a light on the status of local associations.
Where and how easily are the following available for public scrutiny
Policy and personal qualification documents
Complaints against local associations procedures
Control documents from NALC
Vetting by associations for tendered services to councils by them
Insurance coverage to clients ( much advertised)
Full specifications of services to councils
Etc etc. you get the idea. It is like interrogating MI5 not a supposed professional advisory body rather than a protection buffer for NALC

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