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0 votes
We are a charity, comprised entirely of volunteers, that runs a thriving community hall leased from our parish council on a fully repairing lease. Nearly three years ago our landlord, the parish council, voted to extend our lease for 30 years. Since then, there has been endless stalling. It doesn't seem to be a priority for the council and we have no timescale as to when this new lease will be available, despite numerous requests and questions at council meetings as to when the lease will be ready for comment. The old lease needs significant rewriting. We are now down to 3 years on our existing lease, which is affecting our ability to apply for grants and inhibiting the planning and implementation of improvements to the building.
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You mention that the old lease needs significant rewriting. Is this something the Parish Council determined or was it prompted by the charity? In what way does it need to be altered? Who is actually doing the rewriting?
by (60.1k points)
0 votes
I would agree with Dave.  The council has decided but the clerk has to do the work and presumably to the cost of the council?  If you are in a hurry to update the lease, get good property legal advice and prepare your own updated lease to share with the clerk and council.
by (2.5k points)

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