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So in regards to the public site known as FOI as most will know the site has public FOI requests, but on my parish there seem to be requests missing(there were 12 and now 4) on what grounds do they remove requests, and why are they not giving notifications to say the requests are removed? This is probably a question i should be asking them, but i attempted to address the co-option policy as well as other questions i'm not allowed to ask and they have conveniently all disappeared except from 4 requests, i have had no notification to say they were being removed, i've also been suspended, also no notifcation. I have reported certain issues to information commisioners office and my district council, who have been relatively helpful all things considered
by (380 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I'm sorry your question isn't making sense to me.  The "site known as FOI"?  Do you mean the website "whatdotheyknow"?  That site does list FOI requests but is not maintained by the councils referred to on the site.  Perhaps the site had allocated FOI requests to the wrong organisation?
Also, who has suspended you and from where?  How is the co-option policy relevant?  I suspect you may be mixing things up a bit.  If you can explain what this about, someone may be able to help you.
by (23.2k points)
Sorry, yes i indeed meant "whatdotheyknow" basically there was a bit more than 4 requests made on this particular council...all of which went through ok, but today i'm realising that 8 requests have been that is where i have been suspended from but i have had no notification other than when i logged on to the site, i got no email to say i was suspended, and no information as to whether its permanent, basically after that i logged in one other time to discover i couldn't even log on. The Co-option policy is relevant in the sense i asked about where i could find it as it wasn't on the parish council's website, and no word of a lie any time i attempt to ask a question even if it's polite i often get interrupted in the actual council meetings. So in that sense i find it odd 8 seperate requests have been removed and no notifcation to explain the situation. I'm not sure if WHat do they know have a direct email that i could make enquires as that doesn't seem to be too clear.
The trouble with anything online is the person reading it can take it however they read it and not take the time to clarify what they are reading which is why there is so many understandings, Now that i've been suspended from the site, i don't really know if there is a way i can appeal
Sorry I don't know anything about the site or how it works as I've never used it.
Might be easier simply to email the council themselves.  You don't have to use the words FOI as such but they are required to treat such requests as FOI and supply the information if they have it.  
Not all councils have a co-option policy as it's not a legal requirement but clearly a sensible thing to do.
The site is not publicly owned or financed so its entirely up to them who they serve and who they don’t

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