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Recently our chairman met a fellow councillor and in the meeting have made decisions that have not gone to full council. In this private meeting it seems that they have now decided that they don’t want the current clerk and are attacking and undermining the clerk.

My question is: can I raise an FOI and ask what the meeting was for, what was discussed and what was the outcome of their meeting?

Many thanks in advance.
by (390 points)

6 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
If the Clerk has any sense they will be making extensive records of what is happening as an Industrial Tribunal would make mincemeat of the way this has been handled
by (12.7k points)
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It seems to me that this is just a question to be asked; not an FOI request.  Of course; I don't know the full story.

I should add - you mention that the chairman and a councillor have decided XYZ.  That does NOT constitute a council decision.
by (11.8k points)
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0 votes
You do well to go to ICO website and do a little reading about what is / is not covered by the FoI Act.
You say 2 Cllrs met and had a discussion - that happens all the time but unless it is a formal PC meeting it will not be subject to FoI.
You must fully understand what you are entitled to / might expect under FoI and very carefully frame any questions to ensure a meaningful answer.
From what you have described - you are probably very unlikely to gain any meaningful response.
by (25.3k points)
0 votes
If this is as you intimate a secret meeting between two councilors then I would assume there is no record of it happening so difficult to see what an FOI request would turn up except a blank. There should be no instances of "secret meetings" anywhere between councillors as all meetings are deemed open.You would need proof of such action to take the MO route as a code of conduct complaint. Your best bet is good old rally the troops and inform them of your suspicions and get the matter raised in council and hopefully some answers (if there are any)
by (28.9k points)
0 votes
Many thanks for your answers.

The big problem is that we have 2 councillors from the same family who both want her worked out. They arranged for one of them to meet the chairman where they convinced him that the clerk needed to go. The issue goes back at least 12 months ago where the youngest councillor wanted an invoice paid earlier to a supplier who she was in a relationship with. The clerk advised that this would go against our financial regulations and refused the request.

Having the chairman on their side they have ramped up this vendetta against the clerk and have tried, unsuccessfully to stop the clerk from going up a grade as per the contract from NALC.

The problem with the chairman has now been resolved. 2 councillors requested a vote of no confidence in the chair who resigned prior to the monthly meeting. I am aware that this vote would have had no action taken part against the chair but it did get the outcome resolved.

Many thanks for your help.

kind regards
by (390 points)
0 votes
I'm quite new to parish councils but I think this question is conflating two things - the council and individual councillors.  Individual councillors can meet with who they like, discuss what like and decide what they like - just as any member of the public can.  But none of that would have any effect on the council.  The council holds meetings and makes collective decisions in public.

It has to be the case that groups of councillors can meet outside of a council meeting together and with others to agree an approach and strategy.  Our neighbouring town council has political groups (con, green, lib dem) and they definitely meet as groups to decide how they will approach the business of the council. They are not actually conducting the business of the council at such meetings, of course, just deciding on an approach - that is how political groups and parties work.

(edit:  they must of course not share/discuss any council confidential information with others)
by (490 points)

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