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Where a Council runs a free social event open to all members of the parish can Councilors legitimately take part in party games such as Bingo and / or pop quizzes where prizes are given out?

The only guidelines I can find pertain to "gifts" received because of your position as a councilor - where of course influence maybe sought - but I do not think those guidelines apply here.

If anyone can point to any guidance that covers this it would be helpful.
by (240 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
It is of course the application of common sense that is needed here. It would be prudent that any councillor taking part is such an event would look to their required conduct under the Nolan principles of leadership and integrity. By deciding to abstain from participation where there is a "prize" involved then then no question of "gift or bribe" could be raised by anyone.
by (28.9k points)
0 votes
They can if they want to.  They are equal to any other citizen after all. Unless there is some evidence of tampering with the results to advantage any given party.
A Cllr may wish to participate / buy tickets / enter a draw to support a fundraising event
There is ALWAYS the suggestion at such events that it is a fix.  A wise Cllr might choose to resubmit the prize for another draw  but so long as, in all other regards the competition is fair, the draw is the draw
by (25.4k points)

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