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0 votes
My PC recently published Standing Orders with an incorrect adoption date of 10 September 2024.

Are the PC required to have the correct adoption date on the published SO please?

Many thanks.

by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I very much doubt that's a problem.  Your minutes would reflect when the standing orders were adopted.
by (23.3k points)
If you're using the model standing orders, they should be adopted at your annual meeting in May each year. SO 5(j)(ix).
Thanks Delboy'swife.

Many thanks DtC for the advice. I was not aware of this.
0 votes
Yes, it is a problem. It’s a problem because NOTHING your PC or Cllrs do can be “in accordance with your standing orders” and that kind of presents a problem.

By no means irrecoverable, quite the opposite in fact.  Just change the adoption date. It’s a simple admin correction.
by (26.9k points)
Thanks RAC. I am local elector looking in. However, there would be little or no point in asking the PC to amend the SO.
As a local elector it would just need an email pointing out the error.
The PC really DO need to remedy this for the sake of the AGAR and it is a really simple fix.
Conversely, unwillingness to welcome, acknowledge and act upon polite suggestions and/or observations and the accrual of a number of basic admin errors is often a combat indicator of more systemic procedural carelessness

It might not be at the very top of the priority list, but the ‘goodwill’ that could be generated by acknowledging and thanking a member of the public for their observation would be a sign of an engaged and proactive council.
All in an easy win…..

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