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0 votes
Thank you Dave. Perhaps my question did not have enough detail. If we assume that the Clerk is qualified, then are there some professinla standards they should work to outside of whatever is covered in the JD and employment contract? In particular, I would be interested to know if Clerks, like councillors should avoid predetermination.
related to an answer for: Clerk code of conduct
by (260 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Predisposition and predetermination are terms applicable to Cllr tendencies to vote one way or the other.
Clerks don’t vote - Cllrs do
An employee ‘should’ present an impartial case for Cllr consideration and vote  if there is a suspicion of the absence of impartiality then administrative, restoring efficiency or disciplinary proceedings may be appropriate
by (26.9k points)
Thank you. Your first point is well made - of course, that is so. I thought predetermination meant having made up one's mind in advance.... but I suppose you are correct and that it only becomes relevant at the point of voting. Thanks again.
0 votes
The clerk is there to facilitate the councils instruction and determinations, to keep the required records of council business and to use their professional skills to advise or seek out correct advice when requested or needed by the council.

The clerk's position must carry out these duties despite any personally held opinions they may have.
by (29.4k points)

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