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The social medial policy of the parish council is quite restrictive, is the extract below enforceable or legal (S10 ECHR)?

Social Media Policy 2021.pdf (


Councillors should not use their own personal social media accounts when posting or commenting on posts with regard to Parish Council business or anything that maybe construed as such.  

Councillors using their own personal social media accounts or any other form of communication for community or other purposes do so as private individuals and should not use any privileged material gained from their position as a Parish Councillor. "

by (180 points)

2 Answers

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by (26.7k points)
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But worth reminding the councillors that if a Freedom of Information Act request is made (and they do get made), it could mean they may have to hand over ALL information, in all formats, including all of their social media, including all Private Messages.

It won't be up to the councillor to decide what is relevant, and if it is escalated to a full ICO case they could be put in place directions forcing the councillor to comply, thus damaging the councillor and the council as a whole. So they end up having to hand over embarrassing personal information to comply

Remember when a FoI is put in place it also includes ALL electronic communications, no buts not ifs and deleting electronic communications can result is a hefty fine, (Whitchurch Town Council in Shropshire). Destroying information that is subject to a FOI request is a criminal offence.
by (2.2k points)
edited by
That’s the theory but in my case lots of information connected to a large project was “lost” and the ICO just shrugged its shoulders and did nothing even though some of the information should have already been in the public domain under the publication scheme

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