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On an upcoming Full  Council meeting  we have a motion on the agenda relating to a function which has been delegated to a dedicated committee. When I queried this with the Chairman he explained that as Full Council we could do whatever we liked,  So my question is does  a function once delegated become the exclusive domain of the relevant committee or can the Full Council "pull rank".
by (5.3k points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
You should have a document outlining the delegation arrangement. Hopefully that will clarify whether the delegation is absolute or not.
by (58.9k points)
Dave . Is this not covered by S101 para 4 (just read it) ?
So the legal framework doesn't prevent the council from undertaking a function it has delegated to a committee, but your own scheme of delegation may do so. If your scheme of delegation requires the committee to be responsible for ALL matters relating to a function, the council has surrendered its power to intervene. This should be raised as a point of order.

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