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The council has just voted to have an open Spaces committee. No draft terms of references were circulated. The also voted to have two sub committees but no terms of reference and they explained it meant they could for example meet on site with a contractor and take a decision.
by (480 points)

1 Answer

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Putting aside the question of how councillors can vote to set up a committee without having terms of reference outlined or defined in the agenda ( this makes it just a committee in name only, full stop and totally useless) any meeting surely MUST have an agenda so that those attending know what the meeting is about and to allow councillors to prepare and gather any information available to understand and allow discussion and make decisions based on facts not feelings. On the meeting on site would be concerned it would be vital that recording of point raise questions posed and answers given be recorded for minutes to be produced to ensure contracts are not breached and cost implications fully defined.
by (29.2k points)

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