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0 votes
The clerk has put it on as a agenda item should we really be looking at this in our meeting the clerk has put  in on our HR meeting and asked the councillors to close the meeting
by (2.2k points)
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5 Answers

+1 vote
I wouldn't accept such a request. I would suggest to the individual that he address the request to the Chairman of the Council and allow the Chairman to respond as he feels appropriate.
by (58.9k points)
0 votes
As it is for a job application it would not be appropriate for the PC to respond as they have not employed the councillor. It is also not appropriate for the council to comment on an individual councillor in any way even in a confidential session.
Nothing wrong with the person placing their service on the council on their CV of course and the prospective employer making use of the PC online minutes
by (29.2k points)
0 votes
I don't think its appropriate for the corporate body to consider such request. By all means the Chair as an individual can provide a character reference or confirm he is a Cllr but your putting yourselves & the body in very difficult position appraising a fellow Cllr. I've politely declined to in past explaining reason(s) that felt wasnt something comfortable providing encouraging them to put it on there CV and celebrate there own achievements during time on council.
by (10.2k points)
0 votes
It looks as though I take the opposing view on this.

I see absolutely nothing wrong in giving a reference providing it is fair, reasonable and (above all) truthful.

I should add that DavetheClerk's suggestion for dealing with it is one with which I concur.
by (12.0k points)
0 votes
The subject Cllr might invite any other Cllr, in their private capacity, to provide a reference which covers personal relationships in a voluntary role but it is not something that should be undertaken ‘on the clock’ for formal PC business.
by (26.3k points)

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