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Have a councillor who likes to go off and get quotes for work from associates.  Not content to leave this to RFO
by (120 points)

2 Answers

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It certainly can be problematic for a number of different reasons. Personally I think it is really important an officer retains overall control of any procurement exercise whilst sometimes they actively welcome input particularly if they know a Cllr has expertise in the area or contacts. I know a few years back the retired Policeman within our Council was absolutely superb helping put together the CCTV Tender Documents & attended the site visits with him as knew what to ask and how to ask it. The Clerk was incredibly grateful and they worked as a team... Its a balance for sure and depends how exactly its been done.
by (10.4k points)
0 votes
Appropriate for Cllrs to secure ‘estimates’ for works which may then be presented as part of a business case justification to be placed before PC for approval but QUOTES. Should be via correct process (usually defined by FSOs according to value)
by (26.9k points)

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