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0 votes
Could I have a recommendation for a bank account for a parish council, we are presently with NatWest but finding them a bit difficult, current and deposit account
by (480 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
I have found The Metro Bank to be very user friendly.
by (12.0k points)
Thanks but someone has just sent me something from the Guardian saying that Metro is not performing well and has gone down in value
The first £85,000.00 is secured on the banking scheme so there is no risk.
0 votes
Avoid Barclays. If you think NatWest are bad...
by (58.9k points)
Totally agree about avoiding Barclays
0 votes
A vote for Unity Trust Bank here.  They understand town and parish councils and the accounts work well.  They do charge a monthly fee but worth it for stress free banking.  A little slow to process changes but they are very responsive when you contact their customer service.
by (22.4k points)
When you say "a little slow", I'm 12 months into a mandate change at Barclays.  How does that compare?  The people who signed the form left the Council in May, but we haven't told Barclays about that yet. Their machine that compares signatures requires a signature to be 100% identical to the specimen they hold (from 10 years ago in one case). They just keep rejecting the paperwork.
it can take up to a month for them to add someone but usually its within two to three weeks.  12 months is extraordinary!

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